STOP: Suicide prevenTion in sOcial Platforms

STOP is a research project that studies mental health issues on social media through Artificial Intelligence.

🦾 Engineers, Psychologists and Psychiatrist work together to change the current suicide numbers.

🔍 We find patters related to high risk of suicide, depression or eating disorders. Check all our publications!

🖤 We launch targeted campaigns on social media addressed to users that match a risk profile. These campaings offer a 24h hotline or a chat for emotional support.

📞 We have increased by 60% the calls to the suicide prevention hotline coming from social media.

🖥️ We have increased by 1000% the conversations received in a chat for emotional support, with responses provided by trained people.

👣 If you want to collaborate with this project and allow us to extend these campaigns and investigate other social issues, you can click on the Donate button.

UPF Barcelona School of Management

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Hospital Parc Taulí

Computer Vision Centre, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Fundación FITA

Université de Lyon

Università della Svizzera Italiana

Fundació Esperança en Línia

Past Collaborators

Do you want to contribute to the project?

We really appreciate you help in many different ways:

🗒 Helping us to collect data for our current studies by answering questionnaires:

💻 Getting involved in the development of the project:
    If you are a developer, data scientist, psychologist, psychiatrist, designer or just have amazing ideas, we might ask you for help in small tasks. Please contact us writing your interests, and will reach you!
  • Contact us

💝 Contributing with donations to allow us to extend our campaigns and continue our social impact research.

For other type of collaborations (institutional, academic...), please contact us.

Contact information

We will be happy to receive your message!